From the Local History Room

OBITUARY INDEX for Pekin Daily Times

Index shows the date, page number and column of obituaries printed in the Times from 1914 to today. Use these with the microfilm reels available in the Local History Room (1914 through December 2018) to view and print copies of obituaries.   Notices dated January 2019 and later, can be viewed and printed using this online link,  because microfilm has been discontinued.  If you are unable to visit, our local history expert can send a notice to you. (see fees)

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Pekin Daily Times on microfilm; IL state and Tazewell county history resources; White’s Tazewell County Directories; Pekin City Directories from 1871; PCHS yearbooks – hardbound; some school newspapers; area directories. Resources are for in-house use.

Digitized PCHS yearbooks for online use

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Fees - Obituary copies

1-5 obituaries with exact name and date – $5
6-10 with exact name and date – $10
Email name, date, page number and column to: obituary@pekinpubliclibrary.org

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Fees - history research

Quick searches (15 minutes or less) are free! Fees apply for research/microfilm searches for items with unknown publication dates.
1 hour of Research – $15; 2 hours – $30.
We also can refer to independent professional researchers. For research services, please email: obituary@pekinpubliclibrary.org


Use these sites to find family history of all types. Don’t know how to get started? Come in or call to speak with our family history research expert.

Preserve YOUR History

Convert Tapes to Digital

Equipment is self-serve and available most days the library is open. For assistance, please call 309-347-7111 and schedule a Tech Tuesday appointment.

1-1 conversion (for every minute of your tape, it takes one minute to convert) View the tape while converting

Store direct to DVD, or create a digital file

Conversion capability: MiniDV, Video8, Hi8, Digital8, VHS-C, VHS

Super8 (non-audio) converts in a 2-step process; please call us at 309-347-7111 and schedule a Tech Tuesday appointment to learn how to use this equipment

Preserve Photos & Documents
Digitally with our Scanner!

Free scanning (self-serve) during regular library hours

Also in the Lab...

Use the lab for 2 or more people collaborating on a digital project; creating digital files using our headphones, digital cameras/video recorders or microphones; and technology programs or training needing multiple desktop or laptop computers.