Last week we recalled how the Pekin Public Library became a department of Pekin’s city government 125 years ago. That was not when the library came into existence, however, for by that time the library had been operated for nearly 30 years.
The real birthday of the library was Nov. 24, 1866, the date of the organization of the Ladies’ Library Association of Pekin. The reason for its name isn’t that the library was an exclusive women’s club, but that the association was the brainchild of the leading women of Pekin society, who took charge of the project and ran Pekin’s library as a private service club for the benefit of the community.
Most of what we know of the early history of Pekin’s library is what was compiled and recorded by Miss Mary Elizabeth Gaither, who presented a report on the history of the library to the Librarian of Congress in November 1903. Gaither’s history was included in Ben C. Allensworth’s 1905 “History of Tazewell County,” and copies of her history are preserved in the library’s historical archives. Gaither’s historical account had previously been included in the 1902 library cornerstone time capsule.

Here is Gaither’s story of the founding and earliest days of the Ladies’ Library Association, from pages 939-940 of Allensworth’s volume:
“Some reference to the material and social aspects of Pekin in 1866, will enable us the more clearly to judge of the surroundings and circumstances under which the Ladies’ Library Association was organized.
“Pekin, in 1848, was made the county-seat of Tazewell County, and, with a population of 1,500, was granted a city charter in 1849. In 1866 the streets were first lighted with gas, the first National Bank was organized, and stock was subscribed for the Danville, Pekin & Bloomington Railroad, the first railroad (to Jacksonville) having been in operation about six years. The population was between four and five thousand, and plans were made for a High School building which was finished in 1868, and the better grading, under the new school charter, of the public schools at that time was the foundation of the efficient work which has been accomplished in later years. A flourishing choral society, concerts and lectures by eminent talent gave evidence of intellectual advancement, while the building of pretty homes, the greater attention to improvement in churches and public buildings, showed material prosperity.
“On November 24, 1866, a large number of the ladies of Pekin met to organize what was, for many years, known as the ‘Ladies’ Library Association.’ Much enthusiasm was shown in discussion, and much wisdom, also, in plans for its maintenance and management. As evidence of the good and worthy reasons for such an organization, we copy the preamble of the Constitution, which reads as follows:
“’Whereas, Societies for mutual improvement recommend themselves to our unqualified approbation; and
“’Whereas, In the ample provision made for our entertainment and amusement, we too often neglect our moral and intellectual advancement, which involves the highest interests of the community; and,
“’Whereas, We, the ladies of Pekin, being impressed with these views, and desirous of contributing our influence to the moral elevation of the community in which we live, do hereby establish a Library organization and do adopt the following Constitution:’
“Quoting again from Article 6, we read:
“’The object of the Association is, not only to collect and establish a Library of select and useful works, but also to promote a literary taste by encouraging lectures, holding discussions, etc.’
“It is well to recall to memory the original signers of the Constitution, for to them we owe gratitude beyond measure. Their untiring labor in earlier years kept money in the treasury of the Association and books on the shelves, when many social enterprises failed for lack of support. Through the inevitable changes of later years, difficulties arose to be faced, new names appear, and fresh efforts by younger workers bring order again. We honor and thank all, but not least those who first organized the Pekin Library. Herewith is the list of the names: Mrs. John B. Cohrs. Mrs. C. C. Cummings. Mrs. C. R. Cummings. Mrs. W. M. Tinney, Mrs. John W. Casey, Mrs. S. A. Trowbridge, Mrs. S. E. Barber, Mrs. Richard Tinney, Mrs. Erastus Rhoades, Mrs. W. W. Clemens, Mrs. Robert Briggs, Mrs. George Smith, Mrs. John Aydelott, Mrs. H. I. Robinson, Mrs. Charlotte Donigan, Mrs. H. P. Westerman, Mrs. T. D. Vincent, Mrs. Fisk, Mrs. I. E. Leonard, Miss Cora Cummings, Mrs. James Milner, Mrs. T. N. Gill, Miss Mary Reeves.
“The first President elected was Mrs. Charlotte Donigan. In January, 1867, a more permanent organization resulted in the election of Mrs. C. R. Cummings, President; Miss Cora Cummings, Secretary; Mrs. S. E. Barber, Treasurer; with William S. Prince as librarian. Two ladies were appointed to wait upon the City Council and solicit aid, and $100 was granted them. Mr. J. B. Clark donated $50, a generous gift for those days. Membership tickets were printed and sold for $2.00 to ladies, and $5.00 to gentlemen. A special program was arranged for the opening of the room to the public. Mr. B. S. Prettyman made an address, some excellent singers contributed vocal music, and the Constitution and by-laws were read by Mrs. H. P. Westerman.
“During the winter season following, many social parties, dramatic performances and other entertainments by home talent gave financial aid to the Library, and in this way several hundred dollars were added to the treasury.”
Next week, we’ll take a closer look at the Library Association’s first interim president, Charlotte “Lottie” (Haines) Dunnigan, and first librarian, William S. Prince.