Card Application

Card Application for Children and Authorization for Temporary Cards

* Indicates required question

Is this to RENEW an existing or temporary card? *
Library Card Number *
Child's Age *

Parent / Guardian Name

Parent or guardian will provide their name for children under 14 years old. Those 14 and over can enter their own names below.

Person taking responsibility for the return of all checked out materials and/or replacement costs of lost or damaged items. *
Relationship to child (mother, guardian, etc) *

Card Holder Contact Information

First Name *
Middle Name
Last Name *
Street Address *
City *
Zip *
Phone Number *
Birth Date *
Email for Notices (Overdue, Hold Available, etc.)

New cards - Library Card will be mailed to the address on this form; allow up to 7 days for processing. Renewals will receive an email to verify completion. 

Borrowing Policies:

I understand when borrowing books, DVDs or audio discs, I agree to the following:

1. The library is not liable for any damage to my player or computer that might be caused by the use of library material, DVDs or audio discs.
2. All materials borrowed from the library are, to the best knowledge of the library staff, in good condition and it is my responsibility to return all items in the same condition or to pay damages.
3. I am responsible for proper compliance with all licensing and copyright requirements. I understand that there is a penalty for non-compliance with the Federal Copyright Law 94-553 section 110-1 and agree to use all DVDs for private home use.
4. I understand that all DVDs are checked out for one (1) week. I understand that I must be 17 years old to check out Rated R materials. I understand books are checked out for three (3) weeks.
5. I agree to pay $0.10 per day per item in overdue fines with a limit of $2.50 on all late DVDs and books.