

By Jared Olar Library Assistant Last week we reviewed the earliest history of Pekin’s...

By Jared Olar Library Assistant Last week we recalled how the Pekin Public Library...

By Jared Olar Library Assistant This month the Pekin Public Library marks an important...

This is a reprint of a “From the Local History Room” column that first...

This is a reprint of a “From the Local History Room” column that first...

This is a reprint of a “From the Local History Room” column that first...

This is a reprint of a “From the Local History Room” column that first...

This is a reprint of a “From the Local History Room” column that first...

This is a reprint of a “From the Local History Room” column that first...

This is a reprint of a “From the Local History Room” column that first...